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Barge and Vehicle Collision Detection on Bridges
with Wireless Solar Powered Cameras, Wireless Accelerometer and Wireless Inclinometer SenSpot™ Sensors

Data shows that bridge collisions are not infrequent. Bridge lateral collision forces from barges/vessels resulted in around 2% of the total bridge failures in USA from 1987-2011. From 1960–2002, 31 major bridge failures happened worldwide totally as a result of barge/ship/vessel collision and impact (AASHTO 2009). These incidents cost more than 342 lives and caused significant economic loss. Also, vehicles often collide with bridges. However, there are no appropriate guidelines for bridge authorities to assess the damage and to make repair decisions.  

Resensys proposes reliable and robust wireless system and devices for vehicular barge collision/impact detection and monitoring.

Resensys wireless solar powered camera on a bridge for barge collision detection and monitoring
Resensys wireless solar powered camera on a bridge for barge collision detection and monitoring
Resensys Wireless Vibration/Acceleration SenSpot™ sensor on the beam of a bridge for measuring  acceleration and vehicular/barge collision detection and monitoring
Resensys Wireless Tilt/Inclination SenSpot™ sensor on pier of a bridge for measuring pier rotation and vehicular/ barge collision detection and monitoring

Resensys offers wireless solution and sensors for accurate monitoring of tilt, vibration and complete visual feedback with a wide variety of cost-effective benefits:
• Wireless Vibration/Acceleration and Tilt Sensor and Solar Powered Camera: no need for wiring, minimal lane closure for installation
• 10+ Years of Battery Life: Without battery replacement, maintenance and calibration in the field
• Easy Installation: Self-adhesive (e.g. on steel) or Flange-mount(e.g. on concrete)
 Small Size and Lightweight
• Being Usable in Different Kind of Materials:
Can be used on steel, concrete, timber and composites
• Rugged, Weather Proof and Corrosion Resistant:  Can operate in rain, snow, ice, high humidity, salty environment and extreme weather (-40°C to +65°C or -40°F to +150°F).
• Infrastructure-less: Battery operated, energy self-sufficient, no need for communication infrastructure at the bridge
• Provide Data Visualization, Data Analysis and Live “Image Monitoring”
• Very High Resolution for Wireless Tilt Sensor (Inclinometer):
0.00016 degree or 0.5 arc seconds
• Very High Resolution for Vibration Sensor (Accelerometer): 1 mg resolution

This system reduces installation cost and time for owners/authorities to get the real time data they need for vehicular/barge collision detection. A unique capability of Resensys Wireless Vibration/Acceleration and Tilt SenSpot™ sensor is to measure at high precision, while providing ultra-lowpower usage to allow short and long term monitoring. The measurements can be combined with Wireless Solar Powered Camera corresponding visual feeds to get complete condition awareness and remote monitoring on the low clearance overpass/bridge, and is particularly useful to allow quick assessment of conditions after a collision.

Figure below illustrates the approach for barge collision detection:

• Sensor group 1, 2: These are wireless vibration SenSpot sensors (accelerometers). These devices constantly monitor acceleration on the pier, taking up to 400 samples of tri-axial acceleration per second. Vehicular/Bargecollisions are reliably detected using the 3-dimesional acceleration data.

• Device group 3, 4: These are wireless solar powered cameras. While vehicular/barge collision and assessment of the damage upon an impact is initially done using vibration and tilt, a confirming and surrounding visual assessment and identification of the responsible source can be provided with the cameras.

Vehicular Collision Detection approach using Wireless Accelerometer and Wireless Solar Powered Camera

Barge Collision Detection approach using Wireless Accelerometer and Wireless Solar Powered Camera

Vibration (Acceleration-X) measurements of an installed Wireless Vibration/Acceleration SenSpot™ sensor on the pier of a bridge for vehicular/barge collision detection (Resensys SenScope™ software has the capability of data analysis and visualization).

Accelerometer measurements (X, Y and Z) of an installed Wireless Vibration/Acceleration SenSpot™ sensor on the pier of a bridge for vehicular/barge collision detection. (The device can take up to 400 samples of tri-axial acceleration per second. Vehicular/Barge collisions are reliably detected using the 3-dimesional acceleration data). (Resensys SenScope™ software has the capability of data analysis and visualization).

A typical picture taken by Resensys Wireless Solar Powered Camera indicating the field of view when a barge hits a fender of a bridge (The picture is time-stamped to show when the incident happens).

A typical Vehicular/BargeCollision/Impact Monitoring and Detection system includes the following components:

Wireless SenSpot™ Sensors and Devices: are attached to piers and members of a structure. The number of gauges required per structure is usually dependent upon the design, existing issues on members and possibility of     barge/vehicular collision and needs:
  - Wireless Vibration/Acceleration SenSpot™ sensor
  - Wireless Solar Powered Camera
  - Wireless Tilt/Inclination SenSpot™ sensor

SeniMax™: is a wireless data logger gateway that is connected to the cellular or satellite networks; it wirelessly collects SenSpot™ data at the site and sends it to a cloud database server (one SeniMax™ can cover as many as 100 SenSpot™ sensors and devices within its wireless communication range).

SenScope™: software for data analysis and visualization, data export, automated alert management, thermal analysis and vehicular/barge collision detection, monitoring and corresponding data analysis. For vehicular/barge collisions, Resensys monitoring software can be set to provide alerts notifications when pre-established thresholds have been exceeded to allow proactive and timely action to be taken. 

Figure below shows a picture of a practical Resensys Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system, which can be used for detection and monitoring Vehicular/Barge Collision and Impact.

Resensys Solution for Vehicle Barge Collision Impact Detection More Details