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SenSpot™ sensor monitors a target spot on the bridge or other structural member. Resensys SenSpot™ sensors are ideal in applications where low cost, long endurance, and easy installation are important. Example applications of SenSpot™ include: monitoring loading condition in critical components, monitoring deformation and displacement, monitoring vibration patterns.
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SeniMax™ is the communication coordinator at the onsite location. Resensys SeniMax™ is an ultra low power and high performance data collector and remote communication gateway. SeniMax™ can be used as a data logger, where it receives data from SenSpot™ sensors, and stores them. The logged data can later be transferred to a computer.
A single SeniMax™ device can cover up to 250 SenSpot sensors in its communication range. SeniMax is ideal solution in applications of distributed sensing and data acquisition where there is no access to main power or communication infrastructures. Particular applications include: structural integrity
monitoring for highway bridges, airframes, construction projects, pipelines, etc.
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SenScope™ software is capable of data visualization, processing, and alert generation. Resensys SenScope™ is for real-time monitoring and structural diagnostics based on measurements of Resensys SenSpot™ sensors. SenScope™ is capable of reducing large volumes of data of Resensys SenSpot™ sensors into specific structural diagnostics information.
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